Frequently Asked Questions

Policy Questions

  • Fees are $215 per 50-minute session.

    It is my practice to offer sliding scale and reduced rate sessions to 15% of my weekly clients.
    *These spots are currently full. Please check Open Path Collective for reduced rate options.

    I accept credit, debit, HSA, and FSA cards through the SimplePractice portal. Payments are processed via autopay after each session.

  • Please note that I am an out-of-network provider, and am not paneled with any insurance companies.

    A monthly Statement for Insurance Reimbursement, or Superbill, is provided automatically via the SimplePractice portal so that you can submit your out-of-network claims. Please call your insurance company to check out-of-network benefits and coverage rates prior to starting therapy.

  • Please note that I am an Opted-Out provider. This means I am not contracted with Medicare. Medicare will not reimburse you for the cost of my services. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, we will need to enter into a private contract for therapy services in order for me to treat you.

  • Sessions are typically 50 minutes in length and scheduled on a weekly basis.

    Research and best practices in the field support weekly sessions for better outcomes, meeting your therapy goals, and developing a stronger therapeutic relationship. When you feel ready, we can discuss your treatment progress to help us determine a plan and timeframe for tapering your sessions to support a gentle close to our work together.

    Your sessions will generally take place on a day and time that is mutually agreed upon, and that time will be held just for you for the duration of our work together. We can discuss one-off reschedules and cancellations when travel or other conflicts arise.

    Sessions canceled less than 48 hours before your appointment will be billed at your regular rate. This is a standard practice in the field and takes into account that your time slot, which is held just for you, generally cannot be offered for reschedules to someone else on short notice. Life emergencies such as accidents, serious illness, or death in the family will not result in a late cancellation fee.

  • As part of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, I am required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information (“PHI”) and to provide you with a Notice of Privacy Practices (“Notice”).

    Please click here to read the full Notice of Privacy Practices. You will also receive this notice electronically as part of the intake documents at the onset of therapy services.

  • The No Surprises Act is a federal law that went into effect on January 1, 2022. You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the expected charges for medical services, including psychotherapy services.

    You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services. You can ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service.

    If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit

    You will be provided an estimate of the cost of services through the end of the calendar year in which you begin therapy. A Good Faith Estimate is not a contract. It is not intended to serve as a recommendation for treatment, nor a prediction that you may need to attend a specified number of psychotherapy visits. The number of visits that are appropriate in your case, and the estimated cost for those services, depends on your needs and what you agree to in consultation with your therapist.

    Please speak with me at any time about any questions you may have regarding your treatment plan, which is collaborative in nature, or the information provided to you in a Good Faith Estimate. You may discontinue treatment at any time. You will receive a new Good Faith Estimate for a maximum period of 12 months at the start of each new calendar year.

Therapy Questions

  • Therapy is a collaborative process that is tailored to your unique circumstances and individual needs. It is a commitment to yourself and works best when you are ready for change as an active participant in the process. There is potential to create positive and lasting change in your life. Sometimes the hardest part can be reaching out to get started.

    Research has shown the importance of a good client-therapist fit and the ways a quality therapeutic relationship can support better outcomes. As your therapist, I take a client-led and collaborative role, and seek to create a sense of safety that will support your process.

  • Benefits to therapy can include increased awareness, self-compassion, and wellbeing as we work toward your therapy goals. Depending on your focus for treatment, you might experience positive changes in yourself and your connections with others. You might notice a reduction in the symptoms or challenges that brought you to therapy. You might find greater access to clarity, confidence, and a sense of self-trust.

    There are some potential risks to therapy. It can be emotionally uncomfortable when exploring painful emotions and experiences. Sometimes even good change can involve loss or disruption if you choose to make changes in your life that better support you.

    These risks and benefits are part of your informed consent document and will be further discussed at the start of therapy.

  • My approach is client-led and collaborative, so a typical session might look different from one person to the next. You have a uniquely individual internal system with different needs that will inform the way therapy unfolds. Part of my role is to attune to what will support your process, including the pacing and approaches used.

    Even so, once we move past the initial intake session and clarify your goals, you might generally expect to briefly check in at the beginning of a session, either to bring yourself fully present and help you transition into your session, or to speak for anything that might be activated in you. You might report any progress, observations, or parts work done between sessions. From there, we might pick up on whatever we focused on from the previous session, or something else might present itself. Sometimes this is not a linear process, but you can expect that we will generally be working toward your goals even if the focus is on different areas from week to week.

  • The duration of therapy depends upon several individual factors including your reasons for seeking therapy, level of engagement in the process, experiences, background, trauma, and more. Regardless of the variables, research and best practices in the field support weekly sessions for better outcomes, meeting your therapy goals, and developing a stronger therapeutic relationship.

    My hope is that one day in the future, you will come to know and trust that you have the capacity within to navigate your life, even if difficulties come your way. When you are feeling ready, we can discuss your progress on your goals, and look at options for tapering your sessions to support a gentle close to our work together.

  • I currently work with adults of various identities, circumstances, and life experiences using Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy and integrated perspectives from art therapy, trauma, neuroscience, and somatic approaches. Therapy is collaborative and will be tailored to your individual needs from a whole-person, trauma-informed, and culturally affirming lens.

    The therapeutic relationship is backed by research as a cornerstone for therapeutic growth. With that as a foundation, you will find a safe container to explore what’s happening in the present, and heal the inner parts of you that have been wounded by past events, circumstances, and experiences. 

    My specialties include complex and relational trauma, complex-PTSD, anxiety, and depression; life changes and transitions; grief/loss; addictive processes; LGBTQIA+ issues; spiritual emergence; and psychedelic integration.

    I provide IFS-based preparation and integration (pre- and post-medicine) support for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. I do not work directly with the medicine process, source guides, or recommend specific medicines or ceremonies.

    You can learn more by visiting the About, My Approach, and Specializations pages.

  • The California Telemedicine Act describes Telehealth as the delivery of healthcare services via information and communication technologies to facilitate aspects of diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education and healthcare while the patient is at the originating site and the provider is at a distant site. In other words, live two-way video conferencing and phone calls are considered Telehealth.

  • There are several benefits and some risks to Telehealth. There is evidence that online therapy outcomes for individuals is comparable to in-person outcomes for many populations. Outcome research has also produced positive results for those with depression, anxiety, and panic disorder who are seen via Telehealth.

    Telehealth expands access to qualified and appropriate care for those who face barriers to in-person therapy due to transportation, health status, ability, and/or living in remote areas with fewer providers. Other benefits include reduced commute times and increased sense of safety by engaging in therapy from the comfort of home.

    Telehealth includes some risks, such as the possibility of technology or internet failures interrupting a session and/or being accessed by unauthorized persons despite reasonable efforts and safeguards that are in place. There is risk of being overheard by persons near you depending on the location and privacy of the space you are in when connecting to a session.

    There are instances when Telehealth and/or a private practice setting is not advisable, and a higher level of care may be necessary to meet your needs. We can discuss these when we meet, including if you have any additional questions or concerns. You will receive a full Consent for Telehealth form as part of your intake documents.

  • I use the SimplePractice platform for Telehealth sessions, secure messaging, paperless intakes, automated appointment reminders, payment processing, and superbills for out-of-network insurance claims. SimplePractice provides HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST certified data privacy and network protection to help ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and security of your health information.

  • I appreciate your interest in working with me. I provide a free 15-minute consultation call to discuss your concerns and what is bringing you to therapy, and will answer any questions you have about my approach and practice to help determine if we might be a good fit for working together. Please visit the Get Started page to request a consultation.

    At this time, all sessions are provided via Telehealth to adults located anywhere in California.

Additional Information

  • I welcome all parts, experiences, and identities. As a white cisgender woman, I continually seek anti-oppressive engagement and learning, both to cultivate an anti-racist practice, and to lend my voice and privilege toward dismantling the systems that continually harm BIPOC and other marginalized individuals. I am an advocate an ally for racial justice and equity. I human and may not always get things right, but remain committed to showing up fully and being a lifelong learner.

    My ongoing intercultural learning, personal work, and training allows for greater Self-presence as we work together on your therapy goals. I have experience holding space for clients of the global majority and other marginalized identities with experiences of oppression, discrimination, cultural marginalization, racialized trauma, and religious trauma in addition to the many other challenges that bring my clients to therapy.

  • My hours are Monday through Thursday 9am-5pm.

    You may call, email, or text with administrative and scheduling questions. I respond to voicemails, emails, and texts within 1-2 working days during Verdant business hours, unless otherwise communicated due to vacation.

    Communication between sessions is primarily for calendar and schedule changes, or to provide links to resources related to your work with me. Although reasonable efforts and safeguards are in place, these methods of electronic communication are not considered secure. Please do not share sensitive or confidential information pertaining to your therapy sessions with me via email or text. As a client, you will have access to the secure messaging portal through Simple Practice.

  • Please note that I am not typically available or on call outside of my posted business hours. We can discuss your circumstances if you find that you are needing more support or a higher level of care.

    If you are in crisis, do not wait for a response from me. Call 988 or 911, or go immediately to your local hospital emergency room. You may also use the Crisis Text Line (text GO to 741741) or call the Suicide Prevention Hotline (800-273 TALK) for immediate support.

Still have questions before getting started?
Get in touch.